Dreams are in your pocket?  Headband, goggles  helps you to dream!

Dr. Satish S

Dreams and sleep play an important role in our health and happiness. While sleep rejuvenates the body, dreams rejuvenate the mind.
New technology of inducing lucid dreams are available in market. It had given an opportunity to experience lucid dreaming a natural state of consciousness to program their subconscious, influence their behavior, explore the world of the mind, and work with habits of body and mind, depending on their own needs and desires. Enables two-way communication between the sleeping person and the REM-Dreamer. Researchers have confirmed that, while sleeping and dreaming, people move their eyes in the same directions that they do in their dreams. A truly smart wireless Bluetooth EEG headband that also conceals special health tracking sensors to measure body movement, heart rate and body temperature. Tracks and analyzes information about your brain and body throughout the sleep cycle with an advanced auto-learning software algorithm.
Ø  Helps induce lucid dream naturally with customizable audio-visual cues
Ø  Sleep Improvement: Calms your mind and helps you sleep naturally with music that intelligently adjusts to your sleep phases
Ø  Sleep Tracking: Monitors sleep, indicates sleep quality and gives feedback on improvement
Ø  Smart Alarm: Wakes you up refreshed every time with simulated natural sunlight and sounds at the most optimum period of sleep cycle
The REM-Dreamer uses infrared sensors to detect when you are in REM (dreaming) sleep. At that point the REM-Dreamer gives you sound and light cues (beeps and flashing lights) to remind you that you are dreaming. Thus, external world stimuli are transferred to the world of your dreams, and it becomes easy to achieve lucidity.
New technology discovered that external world stimuli reach the dreaming mind but are "reinterpreted" within dreams in order to enable the dreamer to remain asleep. In this way the dreamer is protected from frequent awakenings. For example, if a dreamer's face is sprinkled with water when he or she enters REM sleep, the dreamer might report rain in their dream.
 This technique reinterprets by providing the dreamer's mind with preset visual and/or audio cues (flashes and beeps) which help the dreamer understand that they are dreaming. For instance, when the REM-Dreamer displays a flashing light the dreamer may dream of sunlight reflecting in a window pane, or a camera's flash. The dreamer learns to recognize these signs in dreams, and these signs become the dreamer's gateway to lucidity.
For most people, dreaming is purely a "mental" activity: dreams occur in the mind while the body is at rest. But people who suffer from REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) act out their dreams. They physically move limbs or even get up and engage in activities associated with waking. Some engage in sleep talking, shouting, screaming, hittting or punching. Some even fly out of bed while sleeping! RBD is usually noticed when it causes danger to the sleeping person, their bed partner, or others they encounter. Sometimes ill effects such as injury to self or bed partner sustained while asleep trigger a diagnosis of RBD. The good news is that RBD can usually be treated successfully.
Sleep involves transitions between three different states: wakefulness, rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which is associated with dreaming, and non rapid eye movement (N-REM) sleep. During REM sleep, the electrical activity of the brain, as recorded by an electroencephalogram is similar during waking. Neurons in the brain during REM sleep are functioning much as they do during waking, REM sleep is also characterized by temporary muscle paralysis.
Thus, for most people, even when they are having vivid dreams in which they imagine they are active, their bodies are still. But, persons with RBD lack this muscle paralysis, which permits them to act out dramatic and/or violent dreams during the REM stage of sleep. Sometimes they begin by talking, twitching and jerking during dreaming for years before they fully act out their REM dreams.


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